Custom training programs can be designed to addresses the unique issues facing your organization. Please contact Shieh-Chi Chen to discuss a custom training program for your organization.
Leader Onboarding
This facilitated process will reduce the amount of organizational “down-time” spent by leaders making an initial assessment of their teams and quickly establishes working relationships with their group members.
Understanding Performance Management
Performance management is the continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing on-going coaching and feedback to ensure that employees meet their objectives and career goals. In this workshop, employees and managers gain an understanding of their roles as they participate in this essential workplace measure.
Coaching for Effectiveness
Being an effective coach is a vital management skill in today’s workplace. This training program differentiates between the roles of coach, mentor and manager, provides the 6 reasons to coach and coaching actions necessary to achieve powerful results.
Dynamics of Mentoring
This workshop will provide an understanding of the different kinds of mentoring relationships, the roles of mentors and what to look for in mentoring relationships. Learn about expanding your networks, creating trusted advisor relationships, and having a personal guide to help thrive during organizational change.